Sunday, 12 April 2015

Is It Just Me?..

I realise this is a bit of a random post but as it's raining (not really a valid reason but I'll go on) I decided to do a little post stating the LittleRandomThingsThatGetOnMyWick!

I don't know if this is relatable or if it is just me (hence the title) but I've posted this anyway.
Sorry if this was a bit of an annoying post but... I don't know.
I will be putting up my new schedule as of tomorrow on my social medias and thanks for reading guys and keep smiling (even if the little things get on your wick)


  1. I completely agree they are some of my biggest pet peeves! xxx

  2. Glad it's not just me. This is why I love blogging so I can get everyone's opinion and learn new things from different people. Xxxxx
